Search Engine Optimisation
It's important to use all the tools and tricks at your disposal to put your content in front of the customer when they want to buy
With two decades of experience under my belt, Search Engine Optimisation is a field I've got a good body of experience in. Chances are I've done search engine optimisation work and activities on sites and search engines you've never even heard of (bonus points if you remember Altavista).
Search Engine Optimisation is more than just making sure you have the right keywords on your pages; it goes much deeper.
From using the tools available from the search engines to notify them of page additions and changes, pushing product and inventory data for easy analysis and display in results (along with shipping costs), and looking at the design of your site to ensure images aren't too big and relevant content is constructed within microformats that can be easily indexed - these are just some of the many steps that those new to eCommerce and search engine optimisation aren't aware of, that when used properly can have significant positive impacts to their business.
And we've not even talked about ensuring your site analytics are giving you good insights into what's going on, linking that to your eCommerce data, using it with search advertising data to ensure that you're getting bang for buck, and all the other tools that give you a whole-of-business picture of how things are performing.
So don't sit on the fence, and hope that the work you've had done is working - know that it's working.
Bring in the resources you need to cast a specalist eye over your eCommerce site; get specific advice on what you can do to improve things further; and have someone who is confident and capable to work with your suppliers to make these changes happen fast.